So the important part here is that it looks not crazy intense with two posts showing up back to back and looking like an endless scrolling void of text hell. Also, I need to figure out how to make this "read more" thing happen and separate pages for each post so people don't have to read every post in its entirety back to back, because that's annoying as all hell. 

Also flowers are amazing here, abundant and fresh in local markets and specialized districts. So much more variety, so much more interesting.

Also flowers are amazing here, abundant and fresh in local markets and specialized districts. So much more variety, so much more interesting.

And I also have to try now doing two images in one post so to see if it's super weird, if posts will get clogged up when I add too many images, because what kind of bullshit is that? What on earth is the point if there's such a thing as "too many photos?" So to give it a very fair shot I'm going to fill in some more text as an appropriate buffer, something that maybe will be enough to give it some breathing room between two images. 

And then there's flora like this, native, at home, alive, in situ. 

And then there's flora like this, native, at home, alive, in situ. 

And bam, here's some more text to fill out the end and see if it'll work out. Okay, good luck, I have a lot riding on this one working out. Also, let's see if that other caption up there looks too much, let's test how much I can cram into a caption. What would a paragraph long caption look like, I wonder?